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Author: Discology

Sydney Disc Golf Open in June

The Sydney Disc Golf Open is happening on the last weekend of June, 24-26th. The Sydney Club always put on a good event. Just booked my flights, yeah!

I’ve heard Martin Ryland-Adair has been tweaking the course and to look out for lots of new OB areas.

Tournament website: Sydneydiscgolfopen.com

15 players registered so far, more to come I’m sure.

Disc golf development program for schools

E.D.G.E – the Educational Disc Golf Experience. EDGE was developed by a group of World Champion disc golfers and other disc golf experts to give educators and youth organization leaders the tools for teaching a fun, easy-to-learn lifetime sport to young people. EDGE also links classroom subjects such as maths, science, and civics to the sport, bringing those subjects into situations that will make learning come alive.

Check out www.edgediscgolf.com

Australia’s newest disc golf course!

Newcastle, NSW has opened a new course – 9 beautiful DGA baskets at Jesmond Park. Don’t know too many other details at this point, but if anyone is interested to find out more I can pass on the course contact details.

More details will be posted when available.

I’ve had a look on Google maps and found Jesmond – East of Newcastle. Go play!

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Modifications planned for Poimena

Headed over to Poimena Reserve to work on some course modifications. We are planning some alternative basket positions in time for November’s Australian Disc Golf Championships. www.adgc.com.au

Bumped into a couple of other players braving the drizzle and cursing their high scores. One said, if he gets over 100, he’s never playing again!

Discology’s new website

I figured it was about time I gave Discology’s website a face lift. The web has seen a lot of changes since the last design was launched. I hope you enjoy the new look, content and interaction.

Here’s some of the features I’ve added:

  • Facebook and Twitter integration
  • (Make sure you Fan Discology on Facebook and follow on Twitter)
  • Improved online shopping experience and customer service
  • Blog – a chance for me to talk about some stuff that gets me excited.
  • Links to some cool videos and photos

There’ll be more stuff coming I’m sure – Firstly, I’ll see how phase one works out.

Your feedback is welcomed – please use the comment box below.