
Discology is about flying discs and flying disc sports – but above all else, Discology is about disc golf.

After catching the disc golf bug in 1995, owner Richard Sampson, set up Discology in 1999 with Frank ‘the Hat’ Knutton.

Richard Sampson
Discology owner Richard Sampson

Since then, Richard and Discology have not stopped playing and pushing the development of disc golf.

Discology activities and services include:

  • disc golf course installations
  • disc golf promotion
  • tournament management
  • coaching
  • schools programs
  • corporate disc golf activities
  • not forgetting, the thousands of flying discs that have passed through Discology’s online store and into the hands and hearts of people all over the world.

Discology is based in Hobart, Tasmania.
Fortuitously, just 30 minutes from the best disc golf course in Australia, Poimena Reserve.

If it’s about disc golf or flying discs, trust Discology.


Australian Business Number: 98 348 810 263